Star Wars kánon

Egy magyar Star Wars rajongó, aki kísérletet tesz arra, hogy mi lenne a megfelelő Star Wars kánon George Lucas kritériumai alapján. "A világ régi Star Wars Bővített Univerzum rajongói egyesüljetek!"

Y. e. 19

Yoda: Dark Rendezvous - Yoda - Sötét találkozó

Boba Fett: A New Treat

Boba Fett: Pursuit

Siege of Saleucami (Republic 74-77) - Saleucami ostroma (Köztársaság 74–77)

What Goes Up... (Clone Wars Adventures 15)

Evasive Action: Reversal of Fortune

To the Vanishing Point (Clone Wars Adventures 21)

The Order of Outcasts by Matt Jacobs (Clone Wars Adventures 18)

Labyrinth of Evil - A gonosz útvesztője

Clone Wars Episode 23-25 - Klónok háborúja 23-25 epizód (Gendy Tartakovsky)

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Movie) - III. epizód: A Sith-ek bosszúja (Film)

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Book) - III. epizód: A Sith-ek bosszúja (Könyv)

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Comics) - III. epizód: A Sith-ek bosszúja (Képregény)

Republic Commando: Order 66 - 66-os parancs (Republic Commando)

Kenobi - Kenobi

Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader - Sötét nagyúr

Imperial Commando: 501st - 501 (Imperial Commando)

Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight – A Jedik alkonya (Coruscanti éjszakák)

The Hidden Enemy (Republic 81–83) – Rejtett ellenség (Köztársaság 81-83)

Loyalties (Star Wars: Republic 78) – Hűség (Köztársaság 78)

Into the Unknown (Republic 79-80) – Út az ismeretlenbe (Köztársaság 79-80)

Evasive Action: Recruitment

Purge - Tisztogatás

Salvaged (Clone Wars Adventures 32)

Purge – Seconds to Die - Pillanatokra a haláltól (Tisztogatás)

Purge – The Hidden Blade - Rejtett kard (Tisztogatás)

Purge - The Tyrant's Fist – A zsarnok ökle (Tisztogatás)

Darth Vader the Lost Command - Darth Vader és az elveszett parancs

The Path to Nowhere (Dark Times 1-5) – Út a semmibe (Sötét idők 1-5)

Parallels (Dark Times 6-10) – Párhuzamok (Sötét idők 6-10)

Vector (Dark Times 11-12) – Vektor (Sötét idők 11-12)

Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison – Darth Vader és a kísértetbörtön

The Duty (Tales 12)

Blue Harvest (Dark Times 0, 13-17)

Out of the Wilderness (Dark Times 18-22)

Fire Carrier (Dark Times 23-27)

A Spark Remains (Dark Times 28-32)

Memory Loss (Star Wars Comic UK 13) – Emlékezetkiesés (Star Wars Comic UK 13)

Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke (The Other Lost Missions: Rare Clone Wars Comics and Literature, Part 2)

Incognito (Star Wars Insider 143)

Mist Encounter (Star Wars Adventures Journal 7)

Pax Empirica: The Wookiee Annihilation (Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima’s Official Strategy Guide)

The Last One Standing (Legacy of the Jedi / Secrets of the Jedi omnibus)

In His Image (Vader: Ultimate Guide)


Y. e. 18,5

Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin


Y. e. 18

The Last of the Jedi: The Desperate Mission

The Last of the Jedi: Dark Warning

The Last of the Jedi: Underworld

The Last of the Jedi: Death on Naboo

The Last of the Jedi: A Tangled Web

The Last of the Jedi: Return of the Dark Side

The Last of the Jedi: Secret Weapon

The Last of the Jedi: Against The Empire

The Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception

The Last of the Jedi: Reckoning

Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows – Az árnyak utcája (Coruscanti éjszakák)

Coruscant Nights III: Patterns of Force – Az Erő mintázatai (Coruscanti éjszakák)

Evasive Action: Prey

Evasive Action: End Game

Ghosts of the Sith (Star Wars Insiders 88)


Y. e. 18-17

The Last Jedi – Az utolsó Jedi

Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows – Darth Vader és az árnyak sírása


Y. e. 17

The Guns of Kelrodo-Ai


Y. e. 16

Two-Edged Sword (Star Wars Insider 85)


Y. e. 15 -Y. u. 4

A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker


Y. e. 13 – Y. u. 19

Tales of the Bounty Hunters: The Last One Standing - Történetek a fejvadászokról


Y. e. 12

Ghost (Tales 11) - Szellem (Mesék 11)

Fortune, Fate, and the Natural History of the Sarlacc (Tales 6)


Y. e. 10

The Paradise Snare (The Han Solo Trilogy) – Az éden pokla (Han Solo Trilógia)

Dark Vendetta (Star Wars Galaxy Magazines 8)


Y. e. 9

The Princess Leia Diaries (Tales 11) - Leia hercegnő naplója (Mesék 11)

Falling Star (Tales 15)

The Sandstorm (Tales 15) – Homokvihar (Mesék 15)


Y. e. 8

Luke Skywalker: Detective (Tales 20) - Luke Skywalker: A detektív (Mesék 20)

The Hearing (Dark Empire Sourcebook)


Y. e. 7

The Lesser Evil (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

The King’s Requiem (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Number Two in the Galaxy (Tales 18) - Második a Galaxisban (Mesék 18)

Being Boba Fett (Tales 18) - Boba Fett egy napja (Mesék 18)


Y. e. 6

Turning Point (Star Wars Adventures Journal 5)

Luke Skywalker: Walkabout (Dark Horse Presents Annual 1999)


Y.e 5,5

Droids Special 1

Droids: The Kalarba Adventures by Dan Thorsland (Dark Horse series V1 1-6)

Droids: Artoo’s Day out (Star Wars Galaxies 1)

Droids 1-4: Rebellion

Droids 5-8: The Season of Revolt

Droids: The Protocol Offensive


Y. e. 5

Young Lando Calrissian (Tales 20) - Ifjú Lando Calrissian (Mesék 20)

The Gaar Supoon Hit (Jabba the Hutt) - Jabba és Gaar Supoon (Jabba a Hutt: Az egyezkedés művészete 1)

The Hunger of Princess Nampi (Jabba the Hutt) - Nampi hercegnő éhsége (Jabba a Hutt: Az egyezkedés művészete 2)

The Dynasty Trap (Jabba the Hutt) - Végzetes ármánykodás (Jabba a Hutt: Az egyezkedés művészete 3)

Betrayal (Jabba the Hutt) - Összeesküvés (Jabba a Hutt: Az egyezkedés művészete 4)

The Final Exit (Star Wars Adventures Journal 4)


Y. e. 5-4

The Hutt Gambit (The Han Solo Trilogy) – A Hutt játszma (Han Solo Trilógia)


Y. e. 4

A Hunter’s Fate (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Routine (Tales 2) - Rutinellenőrzés (Mesék 2)


Y. e. 3

The Lost City of Tatooine

Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire - Boba Fett: A Birodalom ellensége

First Impressions (Tales 15) - Első benyomás (Mesék 15)

Iron Eclipse (Agent of the Empire 1-5) – Vasfogyatkozás (A Birodalom ügynöke 1-5)

In the Beginning (Tales 11) - Kezdetben… (Mesék 11)


Y. e. 3-2

Force Unleashed (Book) – Tomboló erő (Könyv)

Force Unleashed (Comics) – Az Erő elszabadul (Képregény)

Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu - Lando Calrissian és Sharu varázskulcsa

Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon - Lando Calrissian és Oseon tűzvihara

Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka - Lando Calrissian és ThonBoka csillagbarlangja


Y. e. 3-0

Death Star - Halálcsillag


Y. e. 2

Hard Targets (Agent of the Empire 6-10)

This Crumb for Hire (A Decade of Dark Horse 2)

Out of the Cradle (Star Wars Adventures Journal 2)

Passages (Star Wars Adventures Journal 7)

When The Domino Falls (Star Wars Adventures Journal 3)

Constant Spirit (Star Wars Insider 145)

Rebel Bass (Star Wars Gamer 6)

Ghosts of Hoth (Tales 17) - Hoth szellemei (Mesék 17)


Y. e. 2-1

Han Solo at Stars' End (Book) - Han Solo hadjárata (Könyv)

Han Solo at Stars' End (Comics)

Han Solo’s Revenge - Han Solo bosszúja

Fire Ring Race (Adventures in Hyperspace)

Shinbone Showdown (Adventures in Hyperspace)

Han Solo and the Lost Legacy - Han Solo küldetése


Y. e. 2-0

Rebel Dawn (The Han Solo Trilogy) - Lázadás hajnala (Han Solo Trilógia)


Y. e. 1

Death Troopers - Halálosztag

Star Wars Adventures: Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya - Han Solo és a Khorya üreges holdja (Star Wars kalandok 1)

Extinction (Tales 1-2) – Leszámolás (Mesék 1-2)

Betrayal (Empire 1-4) - Cselszövés (Birodalom 1-4)

The Hovel on Terk Street (Tales 6) - A Terk utcai csehó (Mesék 6)

Star Wars Underworld - The Yavin Vassilika

Darklighter (Empire 8-9, 12, 15) - Darklighter (Birodalom 8-9, 12, 15)

The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell - Roons Sewell rövid, boldog élete (Birodalom 10-11)

Princess...Warrior (Empire 5-6) - Hercegnő…Harcos (Birodalom 5-6)

The Value of Proper Intelligence to Any Succesful Military Campaign is Not to be Underestimated (Tales 19) - Egyetlen katonai hadjáratba sem becsülhető alá az alapos felderítés lehetősége (Mesék 19)

Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead - Boba Fett halott (Családi kötelékek)

Tinian on Trial (Star Wars Adventures Journal 4)

X-Wing: Farlander Papers

Wanderer of Worlds (Star Wars Galaxy Magazines 9)

The Pit (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Between A Rock And A Hard Place (Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley)

Admiral Jerjerrod’s Testimony (Imperial Sourcebook)

Picutorion Viewed From the Top (Imperial Sourcebook)

The Assault on Protazk (Imperial Sourcebook)

What Not To Do (Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters)


Y. e. 1 – Y. cs. 0

Spero’s Flight (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Song for a Fallen Nomad (The Star Wars Sourcebook)

What Not To Do (Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters)

An Extinct Guest (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

Balancing the Books (The Star Wars Sourcebook)

Crossing the Dark Lord (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Finding Work (Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley)

First Impressions (Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley)

Guild Justice (Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters)

Hunting Holiday (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Imperial Scouting Party (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Irrefutable Logic (Heroes & Roques)

Recruitment Speech (Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim)

Safehouse Besh (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Termination With Extreme Prejudice (Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters)

The End of an Era (Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley)

The Other Side of the Story (Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters)

The Shame of Seggor Tels (The Star Wars Sourcebook)

We Are Made of Suffering (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)


Y. cs. 0

Shadow Games – Árnyjátékok

The Assassination of Darth Vader (Free Comic Book Day 8) – Darth Vader meggyilkolása (Free Comic Book Day 8)

Episode IV: A New Hope (Movie) - IV. epizód:Új remény (Film)

Episode IV: A New Hope (Book) - IV. epizód:Új remény (Könyv)

Episode IV: A New Hope (Star Wars 1-6)

Episode IV: A New Hope Special Edition

IV. epizód: Csillagok háborúja (Magyar kiadású képregény)

Scoundrels – Gazfickók

Rebel Force: Target

Rebel Force: Hostage

Rebel Force: Renegade

Rebel Force: Firefight

Rebel Force: Trapped

Allegiance – Hűség

Rebel Force: Uprising

Choices of One – A kiválasztott

Trooper (Tales 10) - A rohamosztagos (Mesék 10)

Once Bitten (Tales 12)

What Sin Loyalty? (Empire 13) - Amikor a hűség bűnbe visz (Birodalom 13)

The Savage Heart (Empire 14) - Vad szív (Birodalom 14)

To the Last Man (Empire 16-18) - Az utolsó emberig (Birodalom 16-18)

Sacrifice (Empire 7) - Áldozat (Birodalom 7)

Lady Luck (Tales 3) - Szerencse kisasszony (Mesék 3)

Vader’s Quest – Vader küldetése

Shadow Stalker - Árnyékvadász

Target: Vader (Empire 19) - Célpont: Vader (Birodalom 19)

Boba Fett: Salvage (Boba Fett ½)

A Little Peace Home (Empire 20-21) - Egy darabka otthon (Birodalom 20–21)

Alone Together (Empire 22) - Együtt egyedül (Birodalom 22)

River of Chaos - Káosz folyó

The Rebel Thief (Star Wars Kids 1-5)

X-Wing Marks the Spot (Star Wars Kids 6-10)

Imperial Spy (Star Wars Kids 11-15)

Death Star Pirates (Star Wars Kids 16-20)

The Bravery of Being Out of Range (Empire 23) - A bátorság túl nagy ára (Birodalom 23)

Idiot's Array (Empire 24–25)

General Skywalker (Empire 26-27) - Skywalker tábornok (Birodalom 26–27)

Wreckage (Empire 28) - A roncs (Birodalom 28)

In the Shadows of Their Fathers Shadows (Empire 29-30, 32-34) - Apáik árnyékában (Birodalom 29-30, 32-34)

The Price of Power (Empire 31) - A hatalom ára (Birodalom 31)

A Model Officer (Empire 35) - A mintatiszt (Birodalom 35)

The Wrong Side of the War (Empire 36-40) - A háború rossz oldalán (Birodalom 36–40)

My Brother, My Enemy (Rebellion 1-5) - A testvérem, az ellenségem (Lázadás 1-5)

The Ahakista Gambit (Rebellion 6-10)

Small Victories (Rebellion 11-14)

Vector (Rebellion 15-16) – Vektor (Lázadás 15-16)

Boba Fett: Overkill - Boba Fett: Vérfürdő

Sand Blasted (Tales 4) - Homokfúvás (Mesék 4)

Rookies: Rendezvous

Rookies: No Turning Back

Star Wars Adventures 6: Chewbacca and The Slavers of the Shadowland - Csubakka és az Árnyföld rabszolga kereskedői (Star Wars kalandok 6)

Outbid But Never Outgunned (Tales 7)

Payback (Tales 18) - Bosszú (Mesék 18)

Star Wars 3-D (Star Wars 3-D 1)

Havoc on Hoth (Star Wars 3-D 2)

The Dark Side of Dantooine (Star Wars 3-D 3)

The Art of the Bad Deal (Free Comic Book Day) - A rossz üzletelés művészete (Free Comic Book Day 7)

War on the Jundland Wastes (Star Wars Comic UK 1) - Háború a Jundland sivatagban (Star Wars Comic UK 1)

Repairs (Star Wars Comic UK 5) – Javítások (Star Wars Comic UK 5)

My Spaceship, My enemy (Star Wars Comic UK 7) – Az én űrhajóm, az én ellenségem (Star Wars Comic UK 7)

The Corellian Kid (Star Wars Comic UK 11) – A koréliai kölyök (Star Wars Comic UK 11)

Leia’s Trust (Star Wars Comic UK 12) – Leia bizalma (Star Wars Comic UK 12)

Tales from the New Republic: Interlued at Darknell

And Leebo Makes Three (Star Wars Insider 128)

Ringers (Star Wars Adventures Journal 6)

Maze Run (Star Wars Insider 131)

Breaking Free: The Adventures of Dannen Lifehold (Star Wars Adventures Journal 1)

Wish You Were Here (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

When The Desert Wind Turns (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

We Don’t Do Weddings (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Hammertong (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Play It Again, Figrin D’An (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

The Stand Tender (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Drawing the Maps of Peace (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Be Still My Heart (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Nightlily (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Empire Blues (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Soup’s On (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Swap Meet (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Trade Winds (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

At The Crossroads (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Spare Parts (Star Wars Adventure Journal 11)

Cantina Communications (Star Wars Official Poster Monthly 16)

A Certain Point of View (Tales from the Empire)

Changing the Odds: The Adventures of Dannen Lifehold (Star Wars Adventures Journal 3)

One That Got Away (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Tatooine Debriefing (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Artoo’s Tale (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Dodonna’s Story (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

The Letter Home (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Priority: X (Star Wars Galaxy Magazines 12)

Droid Trouble (Star Wars Adventure Journal 3)

The Occupation of Rhamalai (Star Wars Adventure Journal 13)

To Fight Another Day (Star Wars Adventure Journal 6)

Small Favors (Star Wars Adventure Journal 12)

Sandbound on Tatooine (Star Wars Galaxy Magazines 10)

Uhl Ehral Khoehng (Star Wars Adventure Journal 8)

Heist (Star Wars Insider 138)

Winner Lose All (e-book)

A Bad Felling (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

The Most Dangerous Foe (Star Wars Adventures Journal 11)

Doctor Death (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

The Great Herdship Heist (Star Wars Adventure Journal 15)

Fair Prey (Star Wars Gamer 1)

Imperial Spin (Imperial Sourcebook)

Only Droids Serve the Maker (Star Wars Adventures Journal 10)

A Bitter Winter (Star Wars Adventure Journal 5)

Death in the Slave Pits of Lorrd (Hyperspace)

Across the Burning Sands of Tatooine (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Camie’s Story (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

And The Band Played On (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

To Fight Another Day (Star Wars Adventures Journal 6)

Droids (Apple Jacks)

The Mixed-Up Droid

The Song of Winter’s Heart (Life Day Treasury)

With All These TIEs, Why Did We Win at Yavin? (Death Star Technical Companion)


Y. cs. 0 – Y. u. 4

Whiskers (Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook)

Death of Rebel Base (Imperial Sourcebook)


Y. u. 1

Empire and Rebellion: Honor Among Thieves - Tolvajbecsület

Star Wars Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine

Walking The Path That’s Given (Tales 21) - Séta a megadatott úton (Mesék 21)

Pearls in the Sand (Star Wars Insider 74)

Silver and Scarlet (Star Wars Insider 148)

Lando Calrissian: Idiot’s Array (Hyperspace)

Finders Fee (Star Wars Adventure Journal 6)

The Breath of Gelgelar (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)


Y. u. 2

Empire and Rebellion: Razor’s Edge - Pengeélen

Splinter of the Mind’s of Eye – Erőpróba (Könyv)

Splinter of the Mind’s of Eye – Erőpróba (Képregény)

Star Wars Adventures: Princess Leia and the Royal Ransom

Star Wars Adventures: Boba Fett and the Ship of Fear - Boba Fett és a félelem hajója (Star Wars kalandok 5)

The Hidden (Tales 6) - A rejtőzködő (Mesék 6)

Old Corellian: A Guide for the Curious Scholar (Star Wars Adventure Journal 7)

The Battle of Turak IV (Hyperspace)

Rude Awakening (The Black Sands of Socorro)

Swoop Gangs (Star Wars Adventure Journal 6)

Lumrunners (Star Wars Adventure Journal 9)

Crimson Bounty (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

Combat Moon (Star Wars Adventure Journal 9)

Do No Harm (Star Wars Adventure Journal 10)

The Capture of Imperial Hazard (Star Wars Adventure Journal 10)

Idol Intentions (Star Wars Adventure Journal 12)

Tales from the New Republic: The Last Hand (Star Wars Adventure Journal 12)

Tales from the Empire: Side Trip (Star Wars Adventure Journal 12-13)

Command Decision (Star Wars Adventure Journal 11)

Alien Encounters: The Shard (Star Wars Adventure Journal 15)

Laughter After Dark (Star Wars Adventure Journal 15)

The Draw (Star Wars Adventure Journal 15)


Y. u. 3

Rebel Heist

A Valentine’s Story: Breaking the Ice - Valentin napi történet: Jégtörés

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (Film) - V. epizód: A Birodalom visszavág (Film)

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (Book) - V. epizód: A Birodalom visszavág (Könyv)

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (Star Wars 39-44)

V. epizód: A Birodalom visszavág (Magyar kiadású képregény)

Hoth (Tales 5)

Star Wars Adventures: Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragonsnakes - Luke Skywalker és a sárkánykígyók kincse (Star Wars kalandok 3)

Moment of Doubt (Tales 4) - Pillanatnyi kétely (Mesék 4)

Slippery Slop (Tales 15) - Csúszós lejtő (Mesék 15)

Thank the Maker (Tales 6) - Hála a tervezőnek (Mesék 6)

Star Wars Adventures: The Will of Darth Vader

Lucky Stars (Tales 15) - Szerencsés csillagok (Mesék 15)

Double Cross on Ord Mantell (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 5)

Tales of the Bounty Hunters:Payback - Történetek a fejvadászokról

Mutiny on the Rand Ecliptic (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

One Step Ahead (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Running the Gauntlet (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Up the Intelligence Ladder (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Clone B-2332-54 (The Last Command Sourcebook)

Temporary Reassignment (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

An Old Flame in Need… (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Permission Granted (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

In the Emperor’s Service (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Droids Can’t Fly (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

The Probing Eye of the Empire (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

The Horror by Night (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

In The Trenches (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

A Plan of Desperation (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Hoth Transit (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

A Droid’s Eye View (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

It’s Not My Fault (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Vader Adrift (Star Wars Insider Special Edition 2012)

Tie Fighter: The Stele Chronicles

Hunting the Hunters (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 6)

Tales of the Bounty Hunters:The Prize Pelt - Történetek a fejvadászokról

Tales of the Bounty Hunters:Of Possible Futures - Történetek a fejvadászokról

Meeting The Dark Lord (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Little Girl Lost (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Dark Voyage on Tatooine (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

The Emperor’s Trophy (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 11)

Slaying Dragons (Star Wars Adventures Journal 9)

Tales from the New Republic: The Longest Fall (Star Wars Adventures Journal 11)

Firepower (Star Wars Adventures Journal 8)

Desperate Measures (Star Wars Adventures Journal 10)

The Regalia of Office (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Just Another Day’s Work (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

A Very Special Meal (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Glory Support (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

The Backup Plan (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Out of the Picture (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Hand-Off (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Hasty Exit (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

„Let’s Go!” (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Dead End Drop (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Special Ops: Ship Jackers (Star Wars Adventures Journal 13)

Special Ops: Drop Points (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

The Employment Test (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Hunger Pains (Tales 20) - Kínzó éhség (Mesék 20)

Light Duty (Tales from Mos Eisley)

Mostly Automatic (Tales from Mos Eisley)

Hegg’s Tale (Tales from Mos Eisley)

A Favor Done… (Secrets of the Sisar Run)


Y. u. 3-4

Shadows of the Empire (Book) - A Birodalom árnyai (Könyv)

Shadows of the Empire (Comics) - A Birodalom árnyai (Képregény)

Battle of the Bounty Hunters - A fejvadászok harca

Scoundrel’s Wages (Bounty Hunters) - Egy csirkefogó jussa (Fejvadászok)

A Hot Time in the Cold Town Tonite (Tales 6)

Nerf Herder (Tales 7)

Drone Alone (Star Wars Comic UK 10) – Magányos drónok (Star Wars Comic UK 10)

Gambler’s Quest (Star Wars Kids Volume 2. 12)

The Obvious Scapegoat (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Partners No More (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

The Weekly Luncheon (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Tales of the Bounty Hunters:Therefore I Am - Történetek a fejvadászokról

The Business Merger (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

All the Extras (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Better Than Nothing (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Bounty’s Due (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Hunting Holiday (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Only One of Her Kind (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Safehouse Besh (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

We Are Made of Suffering (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Buyer’s Market (Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters)

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Epilogue: Whatever Became of…?

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: We Don’t Do Weddings: The Band’s Tale

Only One of Her Kind (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)


Y. u. 4

Stop That Jawa (Tales 2)

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Film) - VI. epizód: A Jedi visszatér (Film)

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Book) - VI. epizód: A Jedi visszatér (Könyv)

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Marvel Comics)

VI. epizód: A Jedi visszatér (Magyar kiadású képregény)

Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand - Mara Jade: A császár keze

A Wookie Scorned (Tales 10)

Lucky (Tales 23) - Wedge Antilles a szerencsés (Mesék 23)

Do or Do Not (Tales 15) - Tedd vagy ne tedd (Mesék 15)

Spare Parts (Tales 4)

Mara Jade: A Night on the Town (Tales 1) – Mara Jade: Egy éj a városban (Mesék 1)

Three Against the Galaxy (Tales 3) - Hárman a Galaxis ellen (Mesék 3)

A Day in the Life (Tales 12)

X-Wing: Roque Leader - Zsiványvezér (X-szárnyúak)

The Rebel Opposition (X-Wing Roque Squadron 1-4)

The Phantom Affair (X-Wing Roque Squadron 5-8)

X-Wing Rogue Squadron Special - Zsivány osztag (X-szárnyúak) (Különszám)

Battleground: Tatooine (X-Wing Roque Squadron 9-12)

Shadows of the Empire: Evolution - Végkifejlet (A Birodalom árnyai)

The Jabba Tape - A Jabba szalag

The Warrior Princess (X-Wing Roque Squadron 13-16)

Requiem for Rogue (X-Wing Roque Squadron 17-20)

In the Empire’s Service (X-Wing Roque Squadron 21-24)

The Making of Baron Fel (X-Wing Roque Squadron 25)

Family Ties (X-Wing Roque Squadron 26-27)

Masquerade (X-Wing Roque Squadron 28-31)

The Ewok Defenses (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

A Boy and his Monster (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

That’s Entertainment (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Sleight of Hand (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Old Friends (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Of The Day’s Annoyances (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Taster’s Choices (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Let Us Prey (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

And Then There Were Some (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Goatgrass (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

The Great God Quay (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

A Free Quaren in the Palace (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tongue-Tied (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Out of the Closet (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Shaara and the Sarlacc (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Skin Deep (Tales from Jabba’s Palace) - Történetek Jabba palotájából

One Last Night at the Mos Eisley Cantina (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

The Briefing of Red Group (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Gambler’s Run (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

The Pit of Carkoon (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

It is Dark (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

The Capture of Luke Skywalker (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Long Live the Alliance (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

A Credit for Your Thougts (Star Wars Gamer 2)

Escape from Balis-Braugh (Star Wars Adventures Journal 1)

Day of the Sepulchral Night (Star Wars Adventures Journal 13)

Tales from the New Republic: Gathering Shadows

Handoff (Star Wars Gamer 10)

Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 3)

One of a Kind (Star Wars Adventures Journal 5)

Easy Credits (Star Wars Adventures Journal 9)

Night Attack (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Latest Developments: The Emperor’s New Clothes versus Deeply Religious (Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim)


Y. u. 5

Mandatory Retirement (X-Wing Roque Squadron 32-35)

Marooned (Tales 22) - Számkivetve (Mesék 22)

Free Memory (Tales 10)

Collapsing New Empires (Tales 19) – Összeomló, új birodalmak (Mesék 19)

Lando’s Commandos: On Eagle’s Wings (Tales 5) - Lando kommandó: Sasszárnyakon (Mesék 5)

The One That Got Away (Tales 8)

Buyer's Market (Star Wars Insider 126)

Double Vision (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)


Y. u. 6

The Battle of Cadinth (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 2)

Fists of Ion (Hyperspace)

Deader than a Tritoon Moon (Hyperspace)

Tales from the Empire: Missed Chance (Star Wars Adventures Journal 7)

A Glimmer of Hope (Star Wars Adventures Journal 1)

Whispers in the Dark (Star Wars Adventures Journal 2)


Y. u. 6-7

Roque Squadron (X-Wing) – Zsiványosztag (X-Szárnyúak)


Y. u. 7

Wedge’s Gamble (X-Wing) – Wedge játszmája (X-Szárnyúak)

The Krytos Trap (X-Wing) – A Krytos csapda (X-Szárnyúak)

The Bacta War (X-Wing) – A bactaháború (X-szárnyúak)

Wraith Squadron (X-Wing) – Lidérc osztag (X-szárnyúak)

Iron Fist (X-Wing) – Vasököl (X-szárnyúak)

Tales from the New Republic: Conflict of Interest (Star Wars Adventures Journal 13)

Chessa’s Doom (Star Wars Adventures Journal 1)

Big Quince (Star Wars Adventures Journal 2)

Explosive Developments (Star Wars Adventures Journal 3)

Starter’s Tale (Star Wars Adventures Journal 4)

Vengeance Strike (Star Wars Adventures Journal 5)

Kella Rand, Reporting… (Star Wars Adventures Journal 6)

Problem Solvers (Tales 20) - Problémamegoldók (Mesék 20)

The Cracken Twist (The Last Command Sourcebook)


Y. u. 7-8

Solo Command (X-Wing)


Y. u. 8

The Courtship of Princess Leia - Szökevények

Tatooine Ghost – A Tatuin szelleme

Tales from the Empire: First Contact (Star Wars Adventures Journal 1)

Introduction (The Khatol Rift)

The Saga Begins (The DarkStryder Campaign)

Spot Inspection (The DarkStryder Campaign)

Survival Class (The DarkStryder Campaign)

Turazza Eggs (The DarkStryder Campaign)

The Saga Nears Its End (The DarkStryder Campaign)

Crossroads (Hyperspace)

Tales from the New Republic: Hutt and Seek

Corphelion Interlude (Tatooine Ghost)

A Forest Apart (Tatooine Ghost)

The Trouble with Squibs (Star Wars Insider 67)

Mission to Zila (Star Wars Adventures Journal 3)

A Grand Admiral Returns (Heir to the Empire Sourcebook)


Y. u. 9

Isard’s Revenge (X-Wing)

Heir to the Empire (The Thrawn) (Book) – A Birodalom örökösei (Thrawn ) (Könyv)

Heir to the Empire (The Thrawn) (Comic) – A Birodalom örökösei (Thrawn ) (Képregény)

Dark Force Rising (The Thrawn) (Book) – Sötét erők ébredése (Thrawn) (Könyv)

Dark Force Rising (The Thrawn) (Comic) – Sötét erők ébredése (Thrawn) (Képregény)

The Last Command (The Thrawn) (Book) – Az utolsó parancs (Thrawn) (Könyv)

The Last Command (The Thrawn) (Comic) – Az utolsó parancs (Thrawn) (Képregény)

Crisis of Faith (Heir to the Empire: The 20th Anniversary Edition)

Commando Mission (Heir to the Empire Sourcebook)

A Typical Survey (Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts)

Dream Labyrinth (The DarkStryder Campaign)

Feeding Time (The DarkStryder Campaign)

Shadows of Darkness (Star Wars Adventures Journal 4)

Rendezvous with Destiny (Star Wars Adventures Journal 6)

Gottu and His Vibro-ax (Dark Force Rising Sourcebook)

Mirror Image (The Last Command Sourcebook)

A Day at the Races (Dark Force Rising Sourcebook)

The Empire’s Locate and Detain List (The Last Command Sourcebook)

Tales from the Empire: Blaze of Glory (Star Wars Adventures Journal 8)

Betrayal by Knight (Star Wars Adventures Journal 12)

Chewbacca and the Life-Debt (The Last Command Sourcebook)


Y. u. 10

Tales from the Empire: Retreat from Coruscant (Star Wars Adventures Journal 7)

No Disintegrations, Please (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)


Y. u. 11

Jedi Search (The Jedi Academy) – Új rend (A Jedi akadémia)

Dark Apprentice (The Jedi Academy) – Sötét oldal (A Jedi akadémia)

Champions of the Force (The Jedi Academy) – Az Erő bajnokai (A Jedi akadémia)

I, Jedi – Én, Jedi

Crimson Empire (Crimson Empire) – Vérvörös Birodalom (Vérvörös Birodalom)

Kenix Kil (The Bounty Hunters) – Kenix Kil (Fejvadászok)

Council of Blood (Crimson Empire) – A vér tanácsa (Vérvörös Birodalom)

Hard Currency (Dark Horse Extra 21-24) – Nehéz pénz (Dark Horse Extra 21-24)

The Other (Tales 16) – A másik (Mesék 16)

Firestorm (Star Wars Adventures Journal 15)

From the Files of Corellia Antilles (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)


Y. u. 12

Children of the Jedi (The Callista) – A Jedik gyermekei (Callista)

Darksaber (The Callista) – Sötétkard (Callista)

Leviathan (Jedi Academy) – Leviatán (Jedi Akadémia)

Tales from the New Republic Simple Tricks

Shades of Gray (Hyperspace)


Y. u. 13

Starfighters of Adumar (X-Wing)

Planet of Twilight (The Callista) – Alkonybolygó (Callista)

Murder in Slushtime (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

The Third Times Pays for All (Dark Horse Presents 1) – A harmadik alkalom kárpótol mindenért (Dark Horse Presents 1)

Empire Lost (Crimson Empire) – Elveszett Birodalom (Vérvörös Birodalom)


Y. u 14

The Crystal Star – A kristálycsillag

Tall Tales (Tales 11) – Túlzó mesék (Mesék 11)


Y. u. 16-17

Before the Storm (The Black Fleet Crisis) – Fekete kard (A Fekete flotta fenyegetése)

Shield of Lies (The Black Fleet Crisis) – Hazugságok pajzsa (A Fekete flotta fenyegetése)

Tyrant’s Test (The Black Fleet Crisis) – A zsarnok erőpróbája (A Fekete flotta fenyegetése)


Y. u. 17

The New Rebellion – Az új lázadás

Two for One (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

Tales from the New Republic Jade Solitaire


Y. u 18

Ambush at Corellia (The Corellian) – Koréliai rajtaütés (A Koréliai)

Assault at Selonia (The Corellian) – Seloniai veszedelem (A Koréliai)

Showdown at Centerpoint (The Corellian) – Leszámolás a középpontban (A Koréliai)


Y. u. 19

Specter of the Past (The Hand of Thrawn) – A múlt kísértete (A Thrawn keze)

Vision of the Future (The Hand of Thrawn) – A jövő látomása (A Thrawn keze)


Hunting the Gorach (Star Wars Insider 133)

Red Sky, Blue Flame (Star Wars Gamer 7)


Y. u. 22

The Golden Globe (Junior Jedi Knights)

Lyric’s World (Junior Jedi Knights)

Promises (Junior Jedi Knights)

Anakin’s Quest (Junior Jedi Knights)

Vader’s Fortress (Junior Jedi Knights)

Kenobi’s Blade (Junior Jedi Knights)

Fool’s Bargain

Survivor’s Quest – A túlélők keresése


Y.u. 23

Heirs of the Force (Young Jedi Knights) – Az Erő örökösei (Ifjú Jedi lovagok)

Shadow Academy (Young Jedi Knights) – Árnyakadémia (Ifjú Jedi lovagok)

The Lost Ones (Young Jedi Knights) – Az elhagyottak (Ifjú Jedi lovagok)

Lightsabers (Young Jedi Knights) – Fénykardok (Ifjú Jedi lovagok)

Darkest Knight (Young Jedi Knights) – A legsötétebb lovag (Ifjú Jedi lovagok)

Jedi Under Siege (Young Jedi Knights) – Ostrom alatt (Ifjú Jedi lovagok)


Y. u. 23-24

Shards of Alderaan (Young Jedi Knights)


Y. u. 24

Diversity Alliance (Young Jedi Knights)

Delusions of Grandeur (Young Jedi Knights)

Jedi Bounty (Young Jedi Knights)

The Emperor’s Plague (Young Jedi Knights)

Return to Ord Mantell (Young Jedi Knights)

Trouble on Cloud City (Young Jedi Knights)

Crisis at Crystal Reef (Young Jedi Knights)

Apocalypse Endor (Tales 14) – Apokalipszis Endoron (Mesék 14)

The Crystal (Star Wars Gamer 5)


Y. u. 25

Vector Prime (The New Jedi Order)

Dark Tide I: Onslaught (The New Jedi Order)

Dark Tide II: Ruin (The New Jedi Order)

Agents of Chaos I: Hero’s Trial (The New Jedi Order)

Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse (The New Jedi Order)

Refugees (Invasion 0-5) – Menekülés (Invázió 0-5)

Rescues (Invasion 6-11)

Revelations (Invasion 12-16)

Revenants (Tales 18) – Kísértetek (Mesék 18)

Chewbacca - Csubakka


Y. u. 26

Balance Point (The New Jedi Order)

The New Jedi Order: Recovery (e-book)

Edge of Victory I: Conquest (The New Jedi Order)

The New Jedi Order: Emissary of the Void (Star Wars Gamer 8-10, Star Wars Insider 62-64)

Edge of Victory II: Rebirth (The New Jedi Order)


Y. u. 27

Star by Star (The New Jedi Order)

Dark Journey (The New Jedi Order)

Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream (The New Jedi Order)

Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand (The New Jedi Order)

Traitor (The New Jedi Order)

The Apprentice (Star Wars Gamer 8)


Y. u. 28

Destiny’s Way (The New Jedi Order)

The New Jedi Order: Ylesia (e-book)

Force Heretic I: Remnant (The New Jedi Order)

Force Heretic II: Refugee (The New Jedi Order)

Or Die Trying (Star Wars Insider 75)


Y. u. 28-29

Force Heretic III: Reunion (The New Jedi Order)


Y. u. 29

The Final Prophecy (The New Jedi Order)

The Unifying Force (The New Jedi Order)


Y. u. 35

The Joiner King (The Dark Nest)


Y. u. 36

The Unseen Queen (The Dark Nest)

The Swarm War (The Dark Nest)


Y. u. 37

Imprint (Fate of the Jedi)


Y. u. 40

Betrayal (Legacy of the Force)

Bloodlines (Legacy of the Force)

Tempest (Legacy of the Force)

Exile (Legacy of the Force)

Sacrefice (Legacy of the Force)

Inferno (Legacy of the Force)

Fury (Legacy of the Force)


Y. u. 41

Revelation (Legacy of the Force)

Invicible (Legacy of the Force)

Crosscurent (Crosscurent)

Riptide (Crosscurent)

A Fair Trade (Star Wars Insider 129)


Y. u. 41-42

First Blood (Star Wars Insider 125)


Y. u. 43

Millenium Falcon

Outcast (Fate of the Jedi)

Omen (Fate of the Jedi)

Abyss (Fate of the Jedi)

Backlash (Fate of the Jedi)


Y. u. 44

Allies (Fate of the Jedi)

Vortex (Fate of the Jedi)

Conviction (Fate of the Jedi)

Ascension (Fate of the Jedi)

Apocalypse (Fate of the Jedi)

X-Wing: Mercy Kill

Getaway (Star Wars Insider 134)

Roll of the Dice (Star Wars Insider 135)


Y. u. 45

Good Hunting (Star Wars Insider 142)


































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