Star Wars kánon

Egy magyar Star Wars rajongó, aki kísérletet tesz arra, hogy mi lenne a megfelelő Star Wars kánon George Lucas kritériumai alapján. "A világ régi Star Wars Bővített Univerzum rajongói egyesüljetek!"

Titan Magazines

Dawn of the Jedi: Eruption (Star Wars Insider 141)

The Old Republic: The Third Lesson (Star Wars Insider 124)

The Old Republic: The Last Battle of Colonel Jace Malcolm (Star Wars Insider 137)

The Tenebrous Way (Star Wars Insider 130)

The Syrox Redemption (Star Wars Insider 146)

Omega Squads: Target (Star Wars Insider 81)

Odds (Star Wars Insider 87)

Speaking Silently (Star Wars Insider 139)

Hammer (Star Wars Insider 147)

Incognito (Star Wars Insider 143)

Two-Edged Sword (Star Wars Insider 85)

The Guns of Kelrodo-Ai (Star Wars Insider 136)

Constant Spirit (Star Wars Insider 145)

And Leebo Makes Three (Star Wars Insider 128)

Maze Run (Star Wars Insider 131)

Heist (Star Wars Insider 138)

Silver and Scarlet (Star Wars Insider 148)

Vader Adrift (Star Wars Insider Special Edition 2012)

Buyer's Market (Star Wars Insider 126)

Hunting the Gorach (Star Wars Insider 133)

The New Jedi Order: Emissary of the Void Part 4-6 (Star Wars Insider 62-64)

A Fair Trade (Star Wars Insider 129)

First Blood (Star Wars Insider 125)

Getaway (Star Wars Insider 134)

Roll of the Dice (Star Wars Insider 135)

Good Hunting (Star Wars Insider 142)


West End Games

A Tale from the Dark Side (Tales of the Jedi Companion)

A Necessary Evil (Creatures of the Galaxy)

Mist Encounter (Star Wars Adventures Journal 7)

The Lesser Evil (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

The King’s Requiem (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Turning Point (Star Wars Adventures Journal 5)

The Final Exit (Star Wars Adventures Journal 4)

Passages (Star Wars Adventures Journal 7)

Out of the Cradle (Star Wars Adventures Journal 2)

When The Domino Falls (Star Wars Adventures Journal 3)

Tinian on Trial (Star Wars Adventures Journal 4)

What Not To Do (Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters)

The Pit (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Admiral Jerjerrod’s Testimony (Imperial Sourcebook)

Between A Rock And A Hard Place (Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley)

Picutorion Viewed From the Top (Imperial Sourcebook)

The Assault on Protazk (Imperial Sourcebook)

Spero’s Flight (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

An Extinct Guest (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

Crossing the Dark Lord (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Finding Work (Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley)

First Impressions (Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley)

Guild Justice (Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters)

Hunting Holiday (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Imperial Scouting Party (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Irrefutable Logic (Heroes & Roques)

Ringers (Star Wars Adventures Journal 6)

Breaking Free: The Adventures of Dannen Lifehold (Star Wars Adventures Journal 1)

Wish You Were Here (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Spare Parts (Star Wars Adventure Journal 11)

Tales from the Empire: A Certain Point of View (Star Wars Adventure Journal 8)

Changing the Odds: The Adventures of Dannen Lifehold (Star Wars Adventures Journal 3)

One That Got Away (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Tatooine Debriefing (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Artoo’s Tale (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Dodonna’s Story (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

The Letter Home (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Droid Trouble (Star Wars Adventure Journal 3)

The Occupation of Rhamalai (Star Wars Adventure Journal 13)

To Fight Another Day (Star Wars Adventure Journal 6)

Small Favors (Star Wars Adventure Journal 12)

Uhl Ehral Khoehng (Star Wars Adventure Journal 8)

The Great Herdship Heist (Star Wars Adventure Journal 15)

The Most Dangerous Foe (Star Wars Adventures Journal 11)

Imperial Spin (Imperial Sourcebook)

Only Droids Serve the Maker (Star Wars Adventures Journal 10)

A Bitter Winter (Star Wars Adventure Journal 5)

Across the Burning Sands of Tatooine (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Camie’s Story (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Death of Rebel Base (Imperial Sourcebook)

Finders Fee (Star Wars Adventure Journal 6)

The Breath of Gelgelar (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

Old Corellian: A Guide for the Curious Scholar (Star Wars Adventure Journal 7)

Rude Awakening (The Black Sands of Socorro)

Swoop Gangs (Star Wars Adventure Journal 6)

Lumrunners (Star Wars Adventure Journal 9)

Crimson Bounty (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

Combat Moon (Star Wars Adventure Journal 9)

Do No Harm (Star Wars Adventure Journal 10)

The Capture of Imperial Hazard (Star Wars Adventure Journal 10)

Idol Intentions (Star Wars Adventure Journal 12)

Tales from the New Republic: The Last Hand (Star Wars Adventure Journal 12)

Tales from the Empire: Side Trip (Star Wars Adventure Journal 12-13)

Command Decision (Star Wars Adventure Journal 11)

Alien Encounters: The Shard (Star Wars Adventure Journal 15)

Laughter After Dark (Star Wars Adventure Journal 15)

The Draw (Star Wars Adventure Journal 15)

Mutiny on the Rand Ecliptic (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

One Step Ahead (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Running the Gauntlet (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Up the Intelligence Ladder (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Clone B-2332-54 (The Last Command Sourcebook)

Temporary Reassignment (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

An Old Flame in Need… (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Permission Granted (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

In the Emperor’s Service (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Droids Can’t Fly (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

The Probing Eye of the Empire (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

The Horror by Night (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

In The Trenches (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

A Plan of Desperation (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Hoth Transit (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

A Droid’s Eye View (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

It’s Not My Fault (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Meeting The Dark Lord (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Little Girl Lost (Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back)

Dark Voyage on Tatooine (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Slaying Dragons (Star Wars Adventures Journal 9)

Tales from the New Republic: The Longest Fall (Star Wars Adventures Journal 11)

Firepower (Star Wars Adventures Journal 8)

Desperate Measures (Star Wars Adventures Journal 10)

The Regalia of Office (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Just Another Day’s Work (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

A Very Special Meal (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Glory Support (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

The Backup Plan (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Out of the Picture (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Hand-Off (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Hasty Exit (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

„Let’s Go!” (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Dead End Drop (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Special Ops: Ship Jackers (Star Wars Adventures Journal 13)

Special Ops: Drop Points (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

The Employment Test (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

The Obvious Scapegoat (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Partners No More (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

The Weekly Luncheon (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

A Favor Done… (Secrets of the Sisar Run)

The Business Merger (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

All the Extras (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Better Than Nothing (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Bounty’s Due (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Buyer’s Market (Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters)

The Ewok Defenses (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

The Briefing of Red Group (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Gambler’s Run (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

The Pit of Carkoon (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

It is Dark (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

The Capture of Luke Skywalker (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Long Live the Alliance (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

Escape from Balis-Braugh (Star Wars Adventures Journal 1)

Day of the Sepulchral Night (Star Wars Adventures Journal 13)

One of a Kind (Star Wars Adventures Journal 5)

Easy Credits (Star Wars Adventures Journal 9)

Latest Developments: The Emperor’s New Clothes versus Deeply Religious (Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim)

Double Vision (Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)

Tales from the Empire: Missed Chance (Star Wars Adventures Journal 7)

A Glimmer of Hope (Star Wars Adventures Journal 1)

Whispers in the Dark (Star Wars Adventures Journal 2)

Chessa’s Doom (Star Wars Adventures Journal 1)

Big Quince (Star Wars Adventures Journal 2)

Explosive Developments (Star Wars Adventures Journal 3)

Starter’s Tale (Star Wars Adventures Journal 4)

Vengeance Strike (Star Wars Adventures Journal 5)

Kella Rand, Reporting… (Star Wars Adventures Journal 6)

Tales from the Empire: First Contact (Star Wars Adventures Journal 1)

Introduction (The Khatol Rift)

The Saga Begins (The DarkStryder Campaign)

Spot Inspection (The DarkStryder Campaign)

Survival Class (The DarkStryder Campaign)

Turazza Eggs (The DarkStryder Campaign)

The Saga Nears Its End (The DarkStryder Campaign)

A Grand Admiral Returns (Heir to the Empire Sourcebook)

Mission to Zila (Star Wars Adventures Journal 3)

Shadows of Darkness (Star Wars Adventures Journal 4)

Rendezvous with Destiny (Star Wars Adventures Journal 6)

Mirror Image (The Last Command Sourcebook)

A Day at the Races (Dark Force Rising Sourcebook)

The Empire’s Locate and Detain List (The Last Command Sourcebook)

Tales from the Empire: Blaze of Glory (Star Wars Adventures Journal 8)

Betrayal by Knight (Star Wars Adventures Journal 12)

Commando Mission (Heir to the Empire Sourcebook)

A Typical Survey (Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts)

Dream Labyrinth (The DarkStryder Campaign)

Feeding Time (The DarkStryder Campaign)

Gottu and His Vibro-ax (Dark Force Rising Sourcebook)

Chewbacca and the Life-Debt (The Last Command Sourcebook)

Tales from the Empire: Retreat from Coruscant (Star Wars Adventures Journal 7)

No Disintegrations, Please (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

Firestorm (Star Wars Adventures Journal 15)

From the Files of Corellia Antilles (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

Murder in Slushtime (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)

Two for One (Star Wars Adventures Journal 14)


West End Games / Fantasy Flight Games

Song for a Fallen Nomad (The Star Wars Sourcebook)

Balancing the Books (The Star Wars Sourcebook)

The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (Hyperspace)

Labor Pains (Hyperspace)

Interference (Hyperspace)

The Old Republic: Smuggler's Vanguard (Hyperspace)

Knight Errant: Influx

Precipice (Hyperspace)

SkyeWalkers: A Clone Wars Story (The Other Lost Missions: Rare Clone Wars Comics and Literature, Part 2)

Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke (The Other Lost Missions: Rare Clone Wars Comics and Literature, Part 2)

Death in the Slave Pits of Lorrd (Hyperspace)

Lando Calrissian: Idiot’s Array (Hyperspace)

The Battle of Turak IV (Hyperspace)

Fists of Ion (Hyperspace)

Deader than a Tritoon Moon (Hyperspace)

Crossroads (Hyperspace)

Shades of Gray (Hyperspace)


Del Rey

Restraint (e-book)

Darth Maul: Saboteur (e-book) – Darth Maul: Szabotőr (Darth Maul: Az árnyékvadász második kiadás)

End Game - Episode I: The Phantom Menace novelization

The Hive (e-book)

Winner Lose All (e-book)

Crisis of Faith (Heir to the Empire: The 20th Anniversary Edition)

Corphelion Interlude

A Forest Apart (e-book)

Fool’s Bargain (e-book)

The New Jedi Order: Recovery (e-book)

The New Jedi Order: Ylesia (e-book)


Wizards of the Coast

Darkness Shared (Star Wars Gamer 5)

Bane of the Sith (Star Wars Gamer 3)

The Monster (Star Wars Gamer 2)

The Starfighter Trap (Star Wars Gamer 1)

Deep Spoilers (Star Wars Gamer 4)

Dark Hands (Living Force)

Dark Hope (Living Force)

Dark Soul (Living Force)

Disapproval (Living Force)

Rebel Bass (Star Wars Gamer 6)

Fair Prey (Star Wars Gamer 1)

A Credit for Your Thougts (Star Wars Gamer 2)

Handoff (Star Wars Gamer 10)

Red Sky, Blue Flame (Star Wars Gamer 7)

The Crystal (Star Wars Gamer 5)

The New Jedi Order: Emissary of the Void Part 1-3 (Star Wars Gamer 8-10)

The Apprentice (Star Wars Gamer 8)


Paizo Publishing

Ellusion Ilusion (Star Wars Insider 66)

The Clone Wars: The Pengalan Tradeoff (Star Wars Insider 65)

League of Spies (Star Wars Insider 73)

Storm Fleet Warnings (Hasbro)

Duel (Hasbro)

Equipment (Hasbro)

Hero of Cartao (Star Wars Insiders 68-70)

Changing Seasons (Star Wars Insider 76-77)

Odds (Star Wars Insider 87)

Pearls in the Sand (Star Wars Insider 74)

The Trouble with Squibs (Star Wars Insider 67)


IDG Entertainment

Death in the Catacombs (Star Wars Insiders 79)

Medstar: Intermezzo (Star Wars Insiders 83)

Ghosts of the Sith (Star Wars Insiders 88)


Vader: Ultimate Guide Magazine

In His Image

Prima Publishing

Pax Empirica: The Wookiee Annihilation (Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima’s Official Strategy Guide)


Scholastic Books

The Last One Standing (Legacy of the Jedi / Secrets of the Jedi omnibus)


Topps Publishing

Dark Vendetta (Star Wars Galaxy Magazines 8)

Wanderer of Worlds (Star Wars Galaxy Magazines 9)

Priority: X (Star Wars Galaxy Magazines 12)

Sandbound on Tatooine (Star Wars Galaxy Magazines 10)

Double Cross on Ord Mantell (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 5)

Hunting the Hunters (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 6)

The Emperor’s Trophy (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 11)

Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 3)

The Battle of Cadinth (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 2)


Prima Publishing

X-Wing: Farlander Papers

Tie Fighter: The Stele Chronicles


Star Wars Fanclub

Imprint (Fate of the Jedi)


Kindle Daily Post

The Adventures of Lanorre Brock, Jedaii Ranger - Lanoree Brock Je'daii őrszem kalandjai

The Old Republic: Vacation

The Old Republic: The Final Trial

The Old Republic: The Price of Power

The Old Republic: The Sixth Line

The Old Republic: Surface Details

The Old Republic: Wanted: Dead and Dismantled

The Old Republic: Remnants

The Old Republic: Bedtime on Concordia

The Old Republic: One Night in the Dealer’s Den

The Old Republic: Regrets

The Old Republic: Brothers

The Old Republic: A Mother’s Hope

The Old Republic: Trading Scars

The Old Republic: Chasing Copero

The Old Republic: Quite A Story Tell

The Old Republic: Seeing Red


Grosset & Dunlap

Out Foxed (


Bantam Spectra

Tales of the Bounty Hunters:The Last One Standing - Történetek a fejvadászokról

Recruitment Speech (Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim)

Safehouse Besh (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Termination With Extreme Prejudice (Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters)

The End of an Era (Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley)

The Other Side of the Story (Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters)

The Shame of Seggor Tels (The Star Wars Sourcebook)

We Are Made of Suffering (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: A Hunter’s Fate

Tales from the New Republic: Interlued at Darknell

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: When The Desert Wind Turns

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: We Don’t Do Weddings

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Hammertong

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Play It Again, Figrin D’An

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Stand Tender

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Drawing the Maps of Peace

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Be Still My Heart

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Nightlily

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Empire Blues

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Soup’s On

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Swap Meet

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Trade Winds

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: At The Crossroads

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: A Bad Felling - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Doctor Death

With All These TIEs, Why Did We Win at Yavin? (Death Star Technical Companion)

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: And The Band Played On -

Tales of the Bounty Hunters:Payback - Történetek a fejvadászokról

Tales of the Bounty Hunters:The Prize Pelt - Történetek a fejvadászokról

Tales of the Bounty Hunters:Of Possible Futures - Történetek a fejvadászokról

Tales of the Bounty Hunters:Therefore I Am - Történetek a fejvadászokról

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: A Boy and his Monster - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: That’s Entertainment - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Sleight of Hand - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Old Friends - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Of The Day’s Annoyances - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Taster’s Choices - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Let Us Prey - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: And Then There Were Some - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Goatgrass - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: The Great God Quay - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: A Free Quaren in the Palace - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Tongue-Tied - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Out of the Closet - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Shaara and the Sarlacc - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Skin Deep - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Whiskers (Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook)

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: One Last Night at the Mos Eisley Cantina

Tales from the New Republic: Gathering Shadows

Tales from the New Republic: Hutt and Seek

Tales from the New Republic Simple Tricks

Tales from the New Republic Jade Solitaire

Tales from Jabba’s Palace: Epilogue: Whatever Became of…? - Történetek Jabba palotájából

Only One of Her Kind (Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook)

Night Attack (Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi)

The Cracken Twist (The Last Command Sourcebook)


Cobblestone Publishing

The Lost City of Tatooine (Dig magazine)

Paradise Press

Cantina Communications (Star Wars Official Poster Monthly 16)


Lucasfilm Ltd.

Or Die Trying (Star Wars Insider 75)


Abrams Books

Musings of an Ithorian (Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas)


Prima Games

The Tale of the Aiwha Pod (Republic Commando: Prima Official Game Guide)









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